Senin, 10 Desember 2012

How much weight did you gain with your pregnancies?

Q. My first- pre pregnancy 136 40 weeks 180
My second Pregnancy(only 4 weeks along though)- Pre Pregnancy 129

Did you gain more or less weight with second pregnancy? Did you show sooner?

A. My first pregnancy: Pre (128-too skinny for my height though), 40 weeks, 2 days (155, gained 27 lbs)
My second pregnancy: Pre (140-again I was slightly underweight), 39 weeks (220, gained 80 lbs)
My third pregnancy: Pre (230-now overweight!), 36 weeks, 6 days (230, no gain)

Now I am back around 180...only about 15 lbs from where I would look and feel best. I am just shy of 6 feet tall. I showed the soonest with baby number two. But baby number three I never showed much at all. I had some serious complications with my second and was on tons of meds for my liver. It was why I probably gained so much and lost none afterward.

Did eating too many sweets make you have a big baby?
Q. I think I'm addicted to carbs and sugar! I love to eat italian bread, pasta, ice cream, and other sweets. Since I've been pregnant it seems to be worse (for awhile I was eating a McFlurry a day). I still eat a good variety of fruits and veggies, and my weight gain has been mostly in my belly. I'm at the end of my pregnancy (40+5) and I'm afraid I'll have trouble delivering. Did anyone have a similar situation?

A. It will affect how big you get, but not how big your baby gets. The size of the baby is about genetics not what you ate.

How many weeks is the average woman pregnant?
Q. I know that a full term pregnancy is 40 weeks. What I want to know is how long the average pregnancy lasts. (specifically, 1st pregnancies in the United States)

Do woman in the US tend to deliver on time, or a little early or late?

A. Well, all I can find is stats for full-term vs. pre-term births. Since full-term is considered anything after 37 weeks, it's hard to know. I imagine most babies are born between 36-42 weeks. Most doctors won't let a woman go more than 2 weeks late, and most will try to stop labor before 36 weeks.

how much weight does a baby gain in the last weeks of pregnancy?
Q. I am 35 weeks and 2 days and the doctor estimated that my baby weighed somewhere around 4 pounds and 13 ounces. She said that he is small for his gestational age. I was wondering how much weight do baby's usually gain in the last weeks of pregnancy (35-40 weeks) ??

A. No matter his weight he will be fine. My daughter was born at 38 weeks and was only 6lbs, she has had no problems. She is still very small but the doctors are not concerned because she has hit every milestone, either on time or early. To answer your question they can gain about an oz a day in the last month. So stop fretting your little guy would be fine. Good luck!

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After an ultasound for pregnancy doctor told me that your water is access. Is this can make problem?

Q. Ater 18 weeks pregnancy doctor told me that your water in utrous is in higher side. I am advised to have an ultrasound after 6 weeks. Is this problematic. Why it occurs?

A. I had the same thing happen with my 7th pregnancy. I had 3x the water than a usually pregnancy. They told me that might be a sign that there's was something wrong with my baby. I had to go in for an ultrasound every 6 weeks for that pregnancy. That was okay with me, I liked seeing my babies before they were Then they said that she was okay and that having THAT much fluid might cause the umbilical cord to come out first because of the big gush of waters and that wasn't a good thing. I go to church and my whole church family prayed continually for me and by the end of my pregnancy the fluid went back to normal. Hope everything is okay at your ultrasound. Take care.

How can a fibroid affect the pregnancy?
Q. After my first ultrasound at 5 weeks pregnancy they found a little amniotic sac in my uterus and also two fibroid ( one aprox. 4x4x4 and the other aprox. 2x2x2). How are they going to interfere with my preganancy? Am I safe?

A. Complications during pregnancy due to fibroids is rare. Please talk to your doctor regarding your concerns. You can get information on the net, but your doctor can address your specific situation. Remember that many women have fibroids, and the far majority do not experience any complications in pregnancy. My best wishes to you.....

"Can a fibroid tumor harm the baby?
Probably not. Even if you do experience symptoms, they most likely won't affect the baby. However, your risk of miscarriage and premature delivery does increase slightly if you have fibroids. They occasionally cause the baby to be in an abnormal position for delivery. They can also stall labor, or, if they're located in or near the cervical opening, they may block the baby's passage. All of these (rather rare) problems can increase the likelihood of cesarean delivery."

"Most women with fibroids have no more trouble becoming pregnant than women who do not have fibroids, and their risk of a bad pregnancy outcome is no higher."

Is it safe to travel in 14th week of my pregnancy from USA to India?
Q. I am flying to India from USA in my 14th week pregnancy and coming back from India in 20th week of pregnancy. Is it safe to fly from USA to India since its more than 18 hours flight travel and India is a developing country??What precautions should I take? I read somewhere to buy FLIGHT SOCKS to avoid thrush, Is it really recommended?

A. consult your doctor.... but I say its fine for you to travel. You might be a bit uncomfortable on the way back, but its fine as long as you don't have any complicating conditions that might mean problems with your pregnancy. Flight Socks couldn't hurt. They are probably helpful, but not a necessity.

Is period like cramps and hips hurting normal at 6 weeks pregnancy?
Q. I been having period like cramps, also my hips are sore. Is this normal at 6 weeks of pregnancy? If so, what causes it?

A. oh yes. It is so normal. It happened to me early on in this pregnancy. I think that its your ligaments stretching to make room for the growing fetus. Congrats!

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Is it legal to ask about sex determination from doctor during pregnancy in Canada?

Q. I want to know whether it is legal to ask about sex determination during pregnancy period especially when you go for check upslike ultrasound at health centres in canada.

A. Yep, people ask all the time and if the doctor knows they will tell you. I'd hate to think though that you may abuse that info though.

Is it safe to travel by Air in 9th month of pregnancy ?
Q. Dear friends,

we are planning to travel by air in the 9th month of pregnancy.
The total flight time would be 90 minutes. The latest medical check-ups on a baby and mother have come normal.

Is it safe to take a flight at this time of pregnancy period?

Let us know if someone has any expert medical advice on this or share your experience if you've been thru this situation before.

warm regards.

A. I've always heard and read that you shouldn't fly past your 8th month, some say 7 and a half. Definitely run it past your doctor. He/she knows your case better than you could ever describe to us and would be the best person to advise you on this matter.

Does anyone get night sweats right before a period?
Q. I just had a baby on Feb 1st and had night sweats for several weeks after. They finally stopped. I had my 1st after pregnancy period on March 11. Just last night I had another night sweat and I am due for a period in a few days. Are the two related? Are my hormones still out of balance even though I have already had my first period?

A. Oh my gosh, before I got pregnant I used to get the night sweats so bad before I got my period. The sheets and my pajamas would literally be wet, it was horrible. It's just hormonal and now I've had them on and off all through my pregnancy. I don't think it means your hormones are out of balance, they just affect some women that way.
Congrats on the new baby!

Can a female have her period and be pregnant?
Q. Is it possible to be pregnant and still have a very heavy period? 'IF' said female was pregnant, wouldn't her having her period mean a miscarraige? If pregnancy + period 'is' possible (I've heard stories), shouldn't said period be light?

I know this is an odd question, but I'll take all and any answers, experiences, suggestions... Thank you.

A. If you are having you period while pregnant it is probably a miscarriage like you said. At the beginning of a pregnancy some women can have some bleeding which is normal. Another reason for bleeding during pregnancy is something called implantation bleeding. The bleeding usually takes place when the embryo is attaching to the wall of the uterus. It is usually more of a pinkish mucus when this happens.

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what can i expect from the first doctor visit?

Q. I just called my doctor and asked if I needed to come in for a pregnancy blood test. I took a home bought test and it came out positive, the department said that if it was positive there was no need for a blood test. My question is, what can I expect from the very first doctor visit? Will they need to draw blood to determine how far along I actually am?

A. For mine, they did a pap, then checked that the uterus felt like it was the right size. We discussed my history and I think that's about it. is a great site for more info. on pregnancy. Good luck!

Does anyone have any good websites for pregnancy please?
Q. I have hundreds of questions about pregnancy & labor and would like a good website where I can find all the answers to my questions.

A. is my favorite site. It has week by week details on how your baby is and what is happening to your body.

Can anyone suggest some pregnancy type websites for me?
Q. Most extensive list wins 10 points.

I love reading pregnancy forums (especially TTC), I love celebrity pregnancy websites/celebrity children, I like reading anything pregnancy related. My main focus is TTC though.

A. is my personal favorite!

What are the possibilities of being pregnant?
Q. I have been regular on my Birth Control pills for a year. Last month I just stopped taking them, I had sex for like 2 minutes last month & I am worried I could be pregnant. However, I have taken 2 preg. tests & they both came back negative. Is it because I have stopped the birth control that I haven't started my period yet? Any answers would be helpful.. thank you :]]

A. No one here will be able to tell you if you are pregnant. Almost all of the symptoms you get during pregnancy can be associated with something else.

Wait a while longer and take another test, go to the doctor or do some research before you go asking questions. Chances are, your question has been answered before.

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How much exercise should i be doing in my pregnancy?

Q. I am 29 weeks pregnant now, and before the pregnancy I used to be in my university lacrosse team, so i was doing a lot of exercise, but since i became pregnant i just lost the will to exercise loads, and got told i should only be doing 30mins twice a week, but that doesnt sound right to me? I have been walking the dog a lot, and going to start doing weekly swimming now too, but is it too late? How much should i be doing now im 29weeks? Thank you

A. Maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy can help you stay healthy and feel your best. Regular exercise during pregnancy can improve your posture and decrease some common discomforts such as backaches and fatigue. There is evidence that physical activity may prevent gestational diabetes (diabetes that develops during pregnancy), relieve stress, and build more stamina needed for labor and delivery.

If you were physically active before your pregnancy, you should be able to continue your activity in moderation. Don't try to exercise at your former level; instead, do what's most comfortable for you now. Low impact aerobics are encouraged versus high impact. Do not let your heart rate exceed 140 beats per minute.

Pregnancy Tools and Tips
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Pregnancy Calendar
How to Get Pregnant

The pregnant competitive athlete should be closely followed by an obstetrician.

If you have never exercised regularly before, you can safely begin an exercise program during pregnancy after consulting with your health care provider, but do not try a new, strenuous activity. Walking is considered safe to initiate when pregnant.

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day on most if not all days of the week, unless you have a medical or pregnancy complication

pls refer this dear ,, take care

How Can I tell If my Dog is pregnant?
Q. I haev a golden retriver she matted with my boxer on memorial day and have had them seperated since and we took her to the vet and she said they cant tell yet i haev to wait 50 days and than come back to see if there are puppies and if so how any and how big!
But I need to know the early signs of pregnancy, she is sleeping like all through the night and half the day, she isnt as peppy to go on walks as she usally is!
could my baby be preganate, and if she is is the puppies gonna take after the mommy or daddy cause the daddy has a big box head and I already had the money for a C-Section the day my dad found then locked together!



A. Rub your hand along her belly as you have probably done so many times before. The first thing you will notice is that her breasts and nipples are enlarged. Sometimes they also produce milk early in the pregnancy.

Dogs don't have sex unless the female is in heat, and usually all it takes is one exposure. That's all my little dog had, and she had one puppy. Most dogs breed at least twice during the heat--that increases the number of pups. Dog pregnancies last approximately 59 days. So mark your calendar with the dates. Good luck.

How much does a C-Section on a dog (French Bulldog) cost on average in North America ?
Q. What about an artificial insemination ? Any numbers ?
Yes, she's my 4 month very healthy, adorable and somewhat obedient puppy...

I'm not planning on anything, I'm just curious !!! Gosh...

Thanks for the answer though .. ;-)

A. You're not going to get accurate responses in this forum... Your best bet is to contact veterinarians in your immediate area and get quotes from them...

The fact is that no ethical or reputable hobby breeder ever, ever, ever sells any female dog without a mandatory spay clause in the sales contract so that pretty much means that your dog is of "dubious" origin whether she does or does not have AKC-registration papers... The breeding of French Bulldogs really is labor-intensive and costly and so many things can go wrong... Even if you chart the fertility cycle and time everything accurately, your vet can insert the semen and the dog may not get impregnated... So you could be out the money for the stud fee, plus the vet fees, and wind up with a non-pregnant dog... Then your dog can contract Brucella / Brucellosis if you don't have the male properly health-screened beforehand... That can cause an aborted fetus... Your female can contract other STDs or U/T infections, through no fault of her own... And there's always a risk of Pyometra or even "false" or "phantom" pregnancies...

Before C-sections, you'll have to discuss the options or ultrasounds or X-rays with your veterinarian (so factor in additional costs)...

And when it comes to the C-sections, the cost'll vary between having a scheduled appointment or an emergency... Some dogs show no signs of labor so breeders think that all's going well and they jot things down in their calendars only to have the dog go into labor in the middle of the night... An unplanned emergency can multiply the price two or three times more than the estimated cost... So there are just too many variables to give you an accurate reply.

Don't do it... The world really doesn't need more ill-bred dogs from backyard breeders... Let the people that devote their lives to the showing and raising of these special companion dogs do it the way it's intended to be done.

Best wishes : )

When do dogs go back into heat after they have given birth?
Q. I am adopting two pitbulls off of craigslist the person says that she adopted them from someone else and the female was pregnant and she had her puppies July 22nd or July 24th. I was wondering when they will most likely go back into heat so I know how much more time I have to fix them?

A. Pregnancy doesn't affect the heat cycles so if you don't have her spayed she'll go into heat approx. 6 months from her last heat. So, go back approx. 9 weeks from when she whelped and then add on 6 months. Not that I got a calendar out, but I'd say approx. mid Nov. Better get her spayed NOW!;_ylt=Aj0M8ykTMnqycwD9juViRF8jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20081210133852AASe5jk
Please READ!

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How soon do signs of pregnancy start?

Q. I missed my period this month but didn't think much of it since I had just had sex about a week before it was due. Now I feel really sick all day long and I'm always hungry. I've also been getting really bad headaches and I've been really emotional. Are these normal signs of pregnancy?
He said he wore a condom but we were drunk, and I'm not so sure he did. I'm not worried about it if I am I just wanted to know if it was possible before I freaked him out with a pregnancy test.

A. yes they can be but also early signs of pregnancy all depends on the women themselves so you might be only way to know for sure is a test

What were your earliest signs of pregnancy?
Q. What were your earliest signs of pregnancy? How soon did they occur?
Also, How common/rare is it to have a period during pregnancy?

A. Hiya,

I found out I was pregnant 4 days before Christmas and it was a massive shock! I had been on the pill for 5 years so did not think this would happen, however i was having my normal break through bleeding in-between and it did not occur to me that I would be pregnant, I'm always very careful! However It would have been around the 6th week I started to feel sick, tired, and very hormonal so did a test 2 weeks later to check, and low and behold, I was pregnant. the doctor explained that it is not abnormal to have a period/breakthrough bleeding and early signs are different for everybody. If you are worried, I would got yo your gp just to check. They are always very supportive.

Hope this helps :-) x

What were your first signs of pregnancy?
Q. What were your earliest signs of pregnancy? Apart from "missing a period", because really, that's a given. Is there any chance of experiencing pregnancy symptoms before your period due date and realizing that you've actually missed it?

A. Boobs were fine - but really sore nipples! It was odd cuz I don't usually get that. I was also, and still am sooo tired. The one thing I noticed afterwards was that I actually didn't have many symptoms at all. Normally before my period every little thing made me think I might be pregnant. But this time around I barely noticed anything. Maybe it's because I was too tired!!

What are the signs of pregnancy in the first weeks?
Q. I am just gonna list some things that i have been feeling the last two weeks..
2.Lower Stomach Cramps
3. Back-aches
5.Discharging alot
Ive also have been feeling hot in the face area but no where else.
It has been harder for me to poop, and i pee a little more than usual.
I need some help with what the first signs of pregnancy are.
Other than the ones of the internet cause those dont seem to help.

A. Well, you've pretty much said them all!

The only one I don't see, which will come on at maybe 2 months, is the Morning Sickness/Nausea.

The symptoms are from hormonal changes. Sometimes there is also dizziness/fainting.

These could also be a sign of a UTI/Bladder/Kidney infection.

Good luck...and I hope congratulations are in order.

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How do I get rid of acne? Got acne for the 1st time during pregnancy. Acne located on forehead, chin, cheeks?

Q. I always had beautiful skin my entire life then once I got pregnant, my face, chest, and back were affected by acne. I tried proactiv and other products; however, my skin only dried out. In dier need of a solution. What do I do?

A. Beware of using any products for acne unless they have been prescribed or recommended by your doctor. People make all kinds of suggestions about the best thing to do to cure acne. Some cures I�ve heard include putting oatmeal, honey, lemon juice, tea tree oil, cucumber, vinegar, milk of magnesia or toothpaste on your face. Practically every cosmetics company and company that makes personal care products makes something that is a �sure cure� for acne. If we think about this, and use some common sense, we have to come to the conclusion that there is no quick or easy cure for acne, because if there was it would be well known and doctors would be telling everyone about it.

Numerous companies make a lot of money persuading people to buy products that at worst will make the acne worse, and at best may help some people a little. Often fewer products are better. People often make their acne much worse by using too many products. There really is no quick fix for acne. Don�t spend a lot of money on products just because their ads say that they will cure acne. Your doctor is the best person to ask for help, and he or she may recommend some prescription medication or non-prescription treatment that may be suitable for you..

There are some very simple and basic things you can do that cost nothing. Keep your face or any other area affected by acne very clean. Any mild antibacterial soap will help with that. Rinse the area well to remove all soap residue. Drink plenty of water � it really does help to clear up acne. Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep. A healthy life style will make a difference. Try to reduce the stress in your life � stress contributes to acne, so also probably the more you worry about the acne and focus on it, the worse it will be.

Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.

Here are a few informative links with additional ideas about preventing and treating acne.

My hubby said that my acne is clearing up, can acne clearing up be a sign that labor is approaching?
Q. I am 38 weeks and my whole pregnancy my acne has been horrible but just tonight my husband said it looked better.
I also noticed that last night when i would roll over i would get very dizzy for a few sec and the last few days ive had some queasy feelings.

A. Acne

Maintain a routine. Most acne treatments take time to work. It usually takes between two and eight weeks before you see any significant improvement, so you are going to have to be patient. Once you've gotten your acne cleared up, it's important to continue with the treatment that's working so it does not return.

If all else fails, contact a doctor. Mild antibiotics that are available only by prescription can help reduce acne. Keep in mind though, that the widespread overuse (taking antibiotics when you really don't need them or for something they don't treat) and misuse (not taking medication for the specified amount of time) of antibiotics has led to the development of multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria. That means that the antibiotics won't work for the things they used to (including your acne).

How did you spouse react to your pregnancy acne?
Q. I am 10 weeks pregnant and I am getting acne all over my chin! It is so depressing and makes me feel so ugly. I dont even want my husband to look at me! Did you feel the same way? How did he react to it? My husband doesnt say anything, but it looks so horrible he has to notice! I dont like him to see me looking so ugly it makes me feel horrible especially since he has completely clear skn! I dont know what to do. Its so embarrassing It is really upsetting me! Will it go away?

A. my boyfriend has never said anything to me. he loves you for who you are. otherwise, why did you get marrie? you are carrying his child. i think the last thing on his mind is the fact you have a couple pimples. theyll go away afterwards its all just hormones. try not to think about it. easier said then done, i know. itll be worth it in the end. :)

Have you used the DDF Sulfur Mask or DDF Pumice Acne Scrub? Do you like it?
Q. I was just wondering if any of you have tried the DDF Sulfur Mask or the DDF Pumice Acne Scrub (sold at Nordstroms or Sephora) I was thinking about trying them. I have really bad pregnancy acne & the ingrediants in their products arent too harsh to absorb in my bloodstream. How many nights a week do you use the sulfur mask?

A. 3 times a week.. every other day

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